Below you can read more about the shortlisted options being considered for inclusion in the Outline Business Case (in no particular order). You then have the chance to select your top 5 priority options.
Due to the limited budget, the project will not be able to fund all of these actions, so your input is essential for us to find out which are most important to you as a community.
1. Beach, river, cliff monitoring and behaviour assessments - to develop an understanding of what will happen to the beach, river mouth, and cliff over a range of timescales. Provides a sound scientific basis for all subsequent options.

2. Planning and building control mapping and guidance - to ensure any future development is appropriate.
3. Adaptation plan - Research and development of adaptation measures and plan to support transition and resilience.
4. Flood and cliff retreat warning system, emergency response plan, awareness campaign - to improve resilience to and recovery from episodic high impact events such as cliff falls, reducing risk to life.
5. Access improvements - Upgrade/replace access to west beach either via access ramp in front of CHCC or ramp to the west.

6. Nature based solutions: River flooding - Assessment of potentially re-opening natural flood zones to reduce flash flooding in the town.

7. Nature based solutions: Vegetated slopes - to research and trial the potential impact of vegetation on shallow slope instability on the west side of town.

8. Charmou
th Heritage Coast Centre (CHCC) rollback and popup - Research on moving the CHCC to an alternative location such as the Primary school, grass carpark behind the Centre or out of town. Research potential to create beach front facility with a popup Centre which can be moved to avoid significant storms, increasing resilience.
9. Defence adaptation - Research adaptation of current defences such as moving rock already on site to improve defences at vulnerable sites. Research returning the coastline to a natural system to build beach and reduce coastal erosion.

10. Surface and groundwater management - Assess the viability of surface and groundwater management and its impact on stability of the slopes above the cliffs.
11. Improve flood and erosion resilience of the Old Cement Factory building (CHCC) - Installation of shutters, flood bunds etc on the building to prevent impact of floods and erosion.
12. Assess the risk to sewage pumping station - to review the impact of high water levels on the pumping station and potential solutions. Potential to facilitate discussion with Wessex Water.

13. National Coast Science Wardens - Community group to gather data of coastal change (e.g. photographs) to be collated and interpreted.
14. Environmental and heritage reports - Development of baseline environmental and heritage reports to assist in planning developments and stabilisation.
15. Stakeholder steering group - Establish a stakeholder steering group to promote coordinated actions such as drainage schemes across multiple properties.
Please note: these are only proposed options and there are limited specifics at this stage. However, if you have any questions, please contact us on