Weekly works updates
- There is direct access to the platform 1 on the station from this car park.
- Disabled car parking is also available at this location.
- Drop off and pickup will still be available and signposted during the construction phases.
- Taxi access will remain unaffected.
- Buses will use the normal forecourt space directly in front of the station as this area is not affected by the first phase of construction.
- Parking is available at Network’s Rail additional car park opposite B&Q accessible via the Jubilee Retail Park
- There is direct access to platform 1 on the station form this car park. Disabled car parking is also available at this location
- Drop off and pickup will still be available and signposted during the construction phases
- Taxi access will remain unaffected
- Pedestrian access will be available at all times, however routes will change due to phases of construction and alternative access will be signposted
- The best advice is to allow more time for journeys when using the station area during this period.
- Parking is available at Network’s Rail additional car park opposite B&Q accessible via the Jubilee Retail Park
- There is direct access to platform 1 on the station form this car park. Disabled car parking is also available at this location
- Drop off and pickup will still be available and signposted during the construction phases
- Taxi access will remain unaffected
- Pedestrian access will be available at all times, however routes will change due to phases of construction and alternative access will be signposted
- The best advice is to allow more time for journeys when using the station area during this period.
- Parking is available at Network’s Rail additional car park opposite B&Q accessible via the Jubilee Retail Park
- There is direct access to platform 1 on the station form this car park. Disabled car parking is also available at this location
- Drop off and pickup will still be available and signposted during the construction phases
- Taxi access will remain unaffected
- Pedestrian access will be available at all times, however routes will change due to phases of construction and alternative access will be signposted
- The best advice is to allow more time for journeys when using the station area during this period.
- King Street bus stop kerbs completed.
- The main forecourt continuing to have the drainage infrastructure put in place along with public transit route and associated kerbing. This area is now taking shape and the design is now coming more visible.
- Permeable planted areas are being constructed ready for the planting.
- Foundations for the new lighting columns are being put in place. This work will enhance the station lighting and along with CCTV work aims to address concerns regarding safety for people using the station at night.
- X53 to Axminster (normally hourly or two hours depending on the time of year)
- X52 Jurassic Coaster Services
- 502 (seasonal service to Littlesea Holiday Park. These services would start from the King’s Statue bus stops.
- Number 1 service to Portland
- 501 Jurassic Coaster Service to Portland Bill
- Natratex surface course scheduled for 20th and 21st July
- New railway heritage information panel and cut out figure to be installed at the same time as the new surfacing. Can you guess what character the cut-out figure will be in this space?
- The new fence next to B&Q has been installed, reusing fencing that previously ran down the middle of Pocket Park
- New drainage and concrete surface at Jubilee Close end is now complete.
- Lighting columns fully fixed with plans to give some of the existing lampposts a fresh lick of paint
- New electric services for the new bus shelter, bus information sign, event space (in the forecourt), CCTV and lighting
- A new bus shelter will be installed in the forecourt on 18th and19th July.
- 3 new information panels will be installed on 19th and 20th July, providing historical information about the train station and its impact on the town
- New surfacing for the forecourt on 20th and 21st July
Week 1. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
The works at Weymouth Train Station start!
Starting from Monday 22 November 2021, Hanson set up site on the car park area of the train station forecourt. Works will include a new exit onto King Street and a lower wall and railings opening up views into the parking area.
There will also be several trees planted on the edges of the car park as part of greening up the area, alongside new planting planned in the central area of the forecourt (where the roundabout is currently) and in pocket park (the walkway alongside B&Q). Please see project webpage for more details and artists impressions of the designs. The area currently cordoned off is just half of the works to be undertaken as part of the forecourt improvements.
Please note that from 29 November works on the new carpark exit, and the new bus stop area, will start involving narrowing the carriageway to create a safe working area. However this will be planned to avoid peak times and where possible will maintain two-way traffic on King Street.
From 6-10 December there will be temporary lights at the junction of King St and Queen St while the island is constructed, which will restrict traffic cutting through from King St to Queen St via the train station forecourt.
We apologies for any inconvenience caused and will attempt to minimise impact wherever possible.
For those wishing to park at the station while commuting, there is alternative use of Network’s Rail additional car park opposite B&Q accessible via the Jubilee Retail Park. Signage and diversions will be in place.
Please also note:
There is also currently engineering works being undertaken on the train platforms by South West Railway and this has impacted on the running of the trains, please check with South West Railway for updates, thank you.
Tree planting area in car park. Wall surround to be lowered and topped with railings.
Week 2. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Week 2 Update - Phase One
Firstly, as we begin to plan interpretation for this site, we would welcome your input in terms of thoughts, local stories and photos of what this area looked like and how it was used in the past. Of course, the station was once much bigger and busier than it is today, with the movement of goods and seasonal visitors. We also understand that the area where works are currently taken place in the car park, was previously laid out with additional platforms that were demolished in the 1980’s.
If you would like to add your thoughts and ideas to new interpretation planned for Weymouth Station, please get in touch. Thank-you.
This week works on the car park improvements continue.
A new vehicle exit onto King St is currently being excavated down to existing services, ready for concrete capping and construction up to surface level. This has resulted in the narrowing of the pavement, apologies of any inconvenience caused.
In addition, much of the existing wall surrounding the car park has been lowered. This is part of the design plan to open up views into and out of the car park. The whole area of works has been fenced off by ‘heras fencing’ with information boards to create awareness with passers by.
Finally, a timelapse camera has been set up to capture a number of images throughout every day. At the end of the project, the images will be edited into a film showing the works from beginning to end, illustrating the transformation of this space.
Works on the bus stop on King Street has been delayed due to the availability of specific construction materials and the proposed traffic island works is also postponed pending a design update. This means that there will be no temporary traffic management on the junction of King Street and Queen St at this stage or narrowing of the road on King St as previously stated. Apologies for the misinformation from last weeks update, but we will keep you updated on when works are planned to take place.
In terms of trains running from Weymouth, our understanding is that engineering works at Weymouth Station are due to be completed by the 4th December. Until then rail replacement buses will use forecourt space directly in front of the station. For further information regarding train travel please see Planned Engineering Work and Disruption | Great Western Railway (gwr.com)
As a reminder whilst works continue:
Week 3. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Week 3 Update - Phase One
This week progress is been made throughout the car park forecourt area. Phase one, which involves the whole station car park and side entrance to the station, is on schedule to be completed by Christmas 2021.
Works have been undertaken on the new drop off and pick up bays, disabled bay area and new vehicle exit onto King Street. New kerbing and paving is currently being installed along the boundary along with street lighting ducting. It is anticipated that the car park will be open for use in the New Year when the main forecourt infrastructure works will begin.
As part of creating a sense of place, we are looking to provide more information and better interpretation through landscaping and design, better lighting, signage and making use of public art. This should help create a more attractive area and improve the first impressions for visitors to the town. We are looking at ideas for interpretation, looking at the provision of information linked to the cultural heritage of Weymouth Train Station. Contacts have been made with local organisations to seek information on railway heritage. We will also include ideas previously given by the local community relating to Weymouth arts projects, including the Weymouth Arts Trail. Once initial designs are developed, we will also gain feedback from local residents and stakeholders.
If you would like to add your thoughts and ideas to new interpretation planned for Weymouth Station, please get in touch.
As a reminder whilst works continue:
Week 4. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Week 4 Update - Phase One
Work is progressing well with the first phase coming to an end.
The new pedestrian access from the side entrance to the station is taking shape enabling safer clearer pedestrian access routes.
The infrastructure for the new enhanced CCTV upgrade is taking shape ready for the installation of the columns. This is to make the station a safer place and deter anti-social behaviour.
The station car park surfacing will be now be taking place along with the new railing to be fitted to the lowered boundary wall along King Street and the main entrance. This will create greater visibility and look far more aesthetically pleasing than the tall brick wall it replaces. Preliminary work has also started on the new King Street bus stop.
We have been discussing wayfinding and signage this week to enable visitors to make easy onward journeys to access local attractions in the area. The aim is to connect the station with other key locations with town and link in with existing signage already in place. An interactive Totem sign will be installed providing a map and key points of interest. This will compliment the interpretation work we are currently undertaking and the provision of information on railway heritage and tourism.
If you would like to add your thoughts and ideas to new interpretation planned for Weymouth Station, please get in touch.
As a reminder whilst works continue:
Week 5. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Week 5 Update - Phase One completed
The first phase has now finished and the station car park surfacing has been completed along with road markings for the 10 new 20-minute waiting bays and new disabled spaces. The new railings to be fitted to the lowered boundary wall along King Street and the main entrance will be installed in the New Year. The station car park will be available to use from Wednesday 23rd December 2021. The new public vehicle exit onto King Street will also be in use.
Work has now stopped for the Christmas holidays and will start work on Phase 2 on Tuesday 4th January 2022. This will involve the main station forecourt where the new central pedestrian area and public vehicle transit route will be constructed. While phase 2 is ongoing, access will be via the side entrance and sign posted. The main entrance will be closed for public access.
If you would like to add your thoughts and ideas to new interpretation planned for Weymouth Station, please get in touch.
Weeks 6 & 7 . Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Weeks 6 & 7 Update - Phase 2 works now started!Phase 2 will involve creating an inviting new open public space on the main station forecourt. The paving in front of the station building has been removed and new crossing areas are being marked out. The central roundabout has been removed to make way for the main pedestrian and planting areas. While phase 2 is ongoing, access may change from time to time, however at the present time there is access via the main entrance including ramp from Queen Street.
The new pedestrian crossing island extension onto King Street has been marked out. This will provide a new crossing point to access the new proposed bus stop. The new integrated transport links should be beneficial to all, especially the new bus stops within the forecourt and King Street itself.
Phase 1 is almost complete and the station car park remains open. Access for pedestrians from the car park is available via the side entrance to the platforms. Please be aware that there is a temporary taxi rank sign posted in the main car park while this work is going on, which is signposted from the station.
Please also be aware that the new exit from the car park is for exiting the car park only. The main entrance is as before thus providing a new one-way anti clockwise motion to direct and manage flow. There are white arrows to indicate this.
We are still looking for stories and photographs on Weymouth’s railway heritage and If you would like to add your thoughts and ideas to our new interpretation planned for Weymouth Station, please get in touch. Thank you
Week 8. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Week 8 Update - Work starting on new bus stop!
Work is progressing on the main station forecourt with the new public vehicle transit route taking shape. The main pedestrian area has now been cleared ready for landscaping and construction.
Work on the new proposed bus stop on King Street started this week and will last for two weeks. The road carriageway is unaffected, however the footpath on the south site of King Street is restricted and sectioned off where the work is ongoing.
Please be aware that the new exit from the car park is for exiting the car park only. The main entrance is to be used for the new one-way anti clockwise motion to direct and manage flow. There are white arrows and temporary signs to indicate this.
Do you have any stories or photographs about Weymouth’s railway heritage? We are looking for local historical information that can be used for new interpretation planned for Weymouth Station. Please do get in touch with us to share your stories. Thank you!
Week 9. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Good news! The station construction is on schedule after nine weeks in and progressing well.
Weymouth Station Forecourt
Work on the new proposed bus stop on King Street is continuing and will last for two weeks.Proposed bus stop on King Street
The ‘Pocket Park’ design has the potential to become a local railway heritage park as well as an attractive cycle and pedestrian link from the Jubilee Retail Park to King Street. Part of the old harbour tram line will be retained along with interpretation and planting will transform the area and provide a reminder of Weymouth’s railway heritage. Dorset Council are keen to start work on Pocket Park as soon Network Rail give final consent.
We would like to develop the interpretation and wayfinding elements to promote railway heritage and provide much needed information to onward destinations. These elements will be put in place after the main infrastructure work is completed. This is where we hope to bring in creative aspects to this important gateway.
We are keen for the community to share your stories, memories and photographs on Weymouth’s railway heritage to help shape new interpretation planned for Weymouth Station and Pocket Park to remember and share Weymouth’s Railway Heritage! Please get in touch. Thank you
Week 10. Weymouth Station Gateway Updates
Main works this week are the new bus stop on King Street is planned to be completed and the station forecourt is having the drainage infrastructure put in place along with the taxi bays and associated kerbing.
It is great to see the planted areas being marked out ready for the planting of trees, shrubs and wildflowers scheduled for March. The station will have a contemporary and fresh look which should make users feel more confident and satisfied with the improvements. The aim is to promote more local ownership and put some pride back in this important gateway to Weymouth.
We are currently looking at options to make the western boundary of the station car park (by B&Q) more attractive and aesthetically pleasing. This could involve a green or living wall of some description and as with interpretation, constructive ideas are welcome. We are keen to make this area more attractive and greener to compliment the welcoming main forecourt pedestrian area.
Just to remind users that the new exit from the car park directly from King Street is for exiting the car park only. The main entrance is as before so now provides a new one-way anti clockwise motion to direct and manage flow. There are white arrows and temporary signs to indicate this.
Dorset Coast Forum held an open drop-in event at Weymouth library this week to chat to Weymouth historians, railway enthusiasts and the community to gather memories, stories and photos of Weymouth’s Train Station and Harbour Tramline. Thank you to those of you who came along with your photos and stories – we had some great conversations and were able to come away with photos and contacts of people with some special heritage memories.

With this information we are looking to create information panels and perhaps artwork for Weymouth train station and surrounding areas where the old harbour tramway line has been kept. This information will be a reminder of the local railway heritage for the community, and to tell the story to Weymouth’s visitors.
If you were not able to come to information sharing event and have stories, memories or photographs on Weymouth’s railway heritage to share, please do get in touch with us. Thank you
Week 11. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
We thank users of the station and the local community for their patience as work continues.
The team are still on track to complete the main design and infrastructure work by the end of March.
Works last week included:
Discussions are ongoing on how to make the western boundary of the station car park (the fence next to B&Q) more attractive and aesthetically pleasing and a number of options are being considered with our partners.
Plans are progressing with the interpretation and recognising the railway heritage of the sites we are developing. We are still keen for the community to share your stories, memories and photographs on Weymouth’s railway heritage to help shape new interpretation planned for Weymouth Station and Pocket Park to remember and share Weymouth’s Railway Heritage! Please get in touch. Thank you!
Weeks 12-13. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Work on the main pedestrian forecourt continues to take shape with new curved planted areas and paving being laid. Pedestrian walkways and the public vehicle transit route are also being constructed.

Works will start during March in the section of redundant rail track between King Street and the Jubilee Retail Park, where this area will be transformed into an attractive cycle and pedestrian link. Works can now finally begin after final agreement from Network Rail and the site has already been cleared ready for construction.
In this area old harbour tramline has been retained and with interpretation and attractive planting will transform the area and provide a reminder of Weymouth’s railway heritage by potentially becoming a local rail heritage park.
Please note while this work is undertaken the footway that runs along this area (by B&Q) will be closed off. Signs will be in place to inform users.
We have now appointed design consultants, Smith and Jones, who will work with our partners to produce a range of colourful, contemporary and creative interpretation designs for the station forecourt, the rail heritage park and an area by Cosens Quay were the track has been retained. Designs will be shared on this website when they are developed.
Week 14. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Weymouth Station Forecourt Improvements updatePortland Stone 'h' structure to be relocated

Electrical work is starting to take place with new lighting columns and market trader power points being installed. This will enable small scale concessions to be sited and facilitates a seasonal Christmas tree, which is great for this part of the town. In addition to this, foundations for the new upgraded CCTV hardware and Real Time Passenger Information display are being implemented. Improved lighting and enhanced CCTV will improve safety and security.
Road layout improvements on Queen Street will have reversal of priority with vehicles exiting the station have priority and Queen Street traffic will giving way to any vehicles coming from the station. This is planned to have a positive impact to traffic flow during busy times in the main summer season.
Pocket Park (link between King Street and the Jubilee Retail Park)
Site clearance and additional drainage tests have been carried out for this area. This is ahead of the construction of the shared cycle and footway surfacing, raising the level of the existing rail track and planting and landscaping. This work will now take place during April. The public footpath will be closed in due course for the duration of this work and signage is in place to notify users. We are sorry for any inconvenience during this time.
Week 15. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Pedestrian crossings and planting going in this week!
The station forecourt continues to take shape with much of the block paving and pedestrian crossings now complete. Some of the planting has already gone into the large planting areas in front of the station. New lighting columns are also being installed this week.

The main construction and infrastructure work along with landscaping and planting is running a little behind schedule and is now due to be finished in April 2022.
Part of this project involves the development of interpretation to provide more information. This is all progressing in the background to give the sites a more defined sense of place while recognising the contribution the railway made to Weymouth over the years.
Interpretation will be installed within the station forecourt, our newly designated Railway Heritage Park, (from King Street to the Jubilee Retail Park where the tramline is still in situ) and what’s known as the Loop at Cosens Quay. We are currently exploring concept designs with the project partners.
Week 16-17. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
The main station forecourt car park will be closed temporarily from Monday 4 April reopening on Wednesday 6 April due to the construction of the new pedestrian crossing across the main entrance to the station.
The new transit road in front of the station will be temporarily available for the use by taxis and drop-off vehicles only. Alternative parking will be available north of B&Q for those wishing to commute and pick-up passengers from the station. Signage will be in place and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by these temporary measures.

The station forecourt block paving and pedestrian crossings are now complete. The buff coloured surfacing (NatraTex) to enhance the main pedestrian area will be laid once the electrical installation of market trader power points and ducting has been completed. The completed surfacing so far is now highlighting the more welcoming and attractive main pedestrian area with clearly define routes to onward journeys.
Most of the planting has already gone into the large permeable areas in front of the station. The planting will need time to mature but will enhance the green spaces by increasing the number of trees, shrubs and wildflower in front of the station.

The main construction and infrastructure work along with landscaping and planting is due for completion in April 2022, running a little behind schedule. Although the wall and new railings along the station car park boundary with King Street will be constructed at a later date due to availability of materials.
Week 18. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
The block paved pedestrian crossing has been completed this week across the main entrance giving pedestrians priority over vehicles. This work is part of the four new pedestrian crossings now installed at the station to steer a natural pedestrian flow across the forecourt in a more cohesive, safe and managed way.

A traffic island on Queen Street has been installed to facilitate the change of priority giving station traffic the right of way when leaving the station. The infrastructure has been installed but the change of priority has not been implemented yet as new road markings need to be put in place.
Signage has been installed this week to inform station users of the car park access and exit points, 20 minute waiting areas, taxi only areas, parking regulations and disabled parking. Lighting columns have also been put in position along with CCTV infrastructure.
Construction work will be temporarily halted for the Easter break. This is from Thursday 14 to Tuesday 19 April. Most of the station forecourt will be accessible with the anticipation of additional visitors over this period.
Please note that the new transit road in front of the station will be available for the use by taxis and buses only. All other vehicles are to enter and exit via the station car park.

Week 19-20. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Weymouth Station Gateway Improvement Scheme Week 19/20

The permeable planted areas are starting to green up as we head through Spring. When mature these will have a mixed blend of evergreen coniferous and wildflowers. 20 new trees have been planted within the station forecourt. The planting of additional trees and other greenery is designed to be aesthetically pleasing, offer shade, reduce carbon and increase the permeable areas within the scheme to mitigate the risk of flooding.
The leafier deciduous selection of trees will absorb more carbon and other pollutants as well as encourage more wide ranging wildlife. They will provide seasonality and with their ever-changing flowers, berries and autumn leaf colour to provide interest throughout the year. The chosen trees are suitable for the urban and marine environments and will complement each other with their colours and special features as they develop and mature.
In addition to the forecourt planting SWR are introducing a living green wall around the wooden compound storage area next to the bike sheds.
The pedestrian footpaths and crossings are very clearly defined to direct and manage flow around the station forecourt.
The new transit route in front of the station is now in full operation. Please note that the new road in front of the station is for the use by licenced taxis and buses only. All other vehicles are to enter and exit via the station car park and drop off zones as directed.

Week 21. Weymouth Station Gateway Weekly Update
Weymouth Station Gateway Improvement Scheme Week 21

New road markings have been carried out this week to incorporate the two new bus stops in the station and on King Street. The change of priority has also been implemented on Queen Street in favour of traffic existing from the station. Signage is in place to indicate these changes.
New stainless steel bollards have been installed to separate the pedestrian routes from the new vehicle transit route and improve public safety. The main pedestrian area is still awaiting final surfacing which will be done once the remaining electrical work is complete and footings for interpretation are installed.

The large Portland Stone ‘h’ sculpture previously located in the former central roundabout has been relocated to a new home close by, next to the Palm House Café and opposite the Gurkha restaurant on the river Wey.
The significance of this was to commemorate the electrification of the branch line to Weymouth back in 1987. The design was loosely based on the shapes of the ceramic and glass 'non-conductors' British Rail used at the time. The work was commissioned through 'Public Art Development Trust' for British Rail as It was known back then.

The new transit route in front of the station is now in full operation. Please note that the new road in front of the station is for the use by SWR licenced taxis and permitted buses only. All other vehicles are to enter and exit via the station car park and drop off zones as directed with road markings and signage.
Week 22. Weymouth Station Gateway Weekly Update
Construction work on the Railway Heritage Park starts next week on Tuesday 10th May!
This work will see the transformation of an unused section of land where the tramlines remain and merging with an existing path that runs along side B&Q, to create an attractive walkway and cycle link between King Street and the Jubilee Retail Park. The transformed area will become a Railway Heritage Park to reflect the history of the railway and former tramlines along the harbour.

This work should last around 4-5 weeks when final surfacing will be completed in both the station forecourt pedestrian area and Rail Heritage Park at the same time. Please be aware that the current path from King Street to the Jubilee Retail Park will be closed during this period.
Like the station, the new park will certainly make a difference and once developed will be an attractive, green and welcoming Railway Heritage Park (also referred to as Pocket Park) for all to enjoy.
Railway Heritage information to recognise the contribution the railway made to Weymouth over the years will be displayed in the station forecourt, as well as locations where the tramlines exist, at the new Railway Heritage Park, an area called ‘the Loop’ by Cosens Quay and the peninsula side of the Quay. The heritage information designs are being developed to create artistic, contemporary and colourful designs with life size characters to represent the heritage and link in with other sites around the town.
Week 23. Weymouth Station Gateway Weekly Update
Construction work on the Railway Heritage Park is now underway!
The site has been cleared ready to build the shared usage path for cyclists and pedestrians and the creation of the Railway Heritage Park. The existing original white crossing gates will be kept as original features with one at either end of the share path in an open position.

Please be aware that diversions are in place as existing path from King Street to the Jubilee Retail Park is now closed. The work is expected to last for up to 6 weeks.
Planted areas in the station forecourt are now coming into life as the whole area is green with wildflowers coming into bloom. Next week the new lower wall around the station will be built ready for the new station green railings to be installed.

Bus services stopping at new station bus stops.
Please be aware that bus services using the station will be:
Services stopping at the new King Street Bus Stop Westbound to Portland originating at the King’s Statue will be:
Timetables have been published and services are due to commence end of May early June.
Week 24. Weymouth Station Gateway Weekly Update
The Railway Heritage Park is continuing to be excavated and levelled out ready for the creation of the planted areas and new shared use path surfacing. Approximately two thirds of the existing rail line will be kept as part of the railway heritage.

Creative information structures to tell stories of the station and Harbour tramway are planned to form part of a railway heritage trail involving the station, the Loop at Cosens Quay and the former terminus of the boat train next to the Pavilion.
Diversions are in place for people who wish to use the closed path between King Street and the Jubilee Retail Park. We are sorry for any inconvenience. The work is expected to last for up to 6 weeks being completed by the end of June 2022.
A reminder for vehicles using the station not to use the vehicle transit route in front of the station. This is designated for authorised vehicle only, namely buses and South western Railway licenced taxes. This section is specifically designed with pedestrian safety in mind. All other vehicles to use the station car park for drop off and pick up and using the new exit on to King Street for onward journeys.
Please note there is a temporary loss of some car park spaces due to the construction of the new low level wall and railings around the car park. Alternative station parking is available in the Jubilee sidings north of B&Q. From here there is direct access to platform one.
Week 25. Weymouth Station Gateway Weekly Update
You may have already seen the exciting new feature at the train station, in the form of a living green wall! This really adds value and interest to the station and is something that is unique for Weymouth. The living wall is at the start of Platform One, goes alongside one of the main exits from the station and continues to the bike storage area. Overall, the living wall ‘greens up’ the station and gives a more welcoming attractive feel.
New living green wall at that station The main area of the station forecourt is now open for access, however final surfacing is yet to be completed towards the end of June. The new meadow planting in this area is now in full flower and is worth a visit. Around the car park, trenches have been dug ready for foundations for the new low-level wall which will include railings along the top. Please note there is a temporary loss of some car park spaces.

Interpretation & Information Panels
We are very excited after seeing final drafts of the information panels to be installed at the Station Forecourt, the Railway Heritage Park, the Loop (near Cosens Quay Car Park) and the Quay. The panels will display information, photos and other images relating to Weymouth’s Railway Heritage. Alongside panels will be life-size steel cut outs of characters from Weymouth’s past. With pieces being installed around mid-July, this will create a new feature and railway heritage trail that we hope visitors and locals alike will enjoy.
The Railway Heritage Park area has been opened up, through the removal of the central wall and railings. Additional train tracks (removed from the Quay) are to be welded on top of the existing ones in this area to raise the level to that of the previous footway. The railway tracks will be a key feature of the new layout and clearly visible to those visiting this space.
Whilst this work continues, the pathway from the station to Jubilee Retail Park will be closed. Diversions are in place and we expect the pathway to be closed until the end of June 2022. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused, but hope you are looking forward to seeing the much needed improvements in this area.

Week 26. Weymouth Station Gateway Weekly Update
Station Forecourt and Car Park

Works in this area are progressing, with a planned completion of early July in time for the summer holidays. The wall surrounding the car park is underway and due to be completed next week before railings are placed along the top. In addition, new CCTV cameras have been installed, with the aim of improving safety at the station.
Bus services are now running from the station and a temporary bus stop is in place in King Street opposite the station. Permanent bus infrastructure is soon to be installed at the station exit, including a shelter. A real time passenger information display has also been installed.

X53 to Axminster (normally hourly or two hours depending on the time of year)
X52 Jurassic Coast Services
502 Seasonal service to Littlesea Holiday Park
Services now stopping at the new King Street Bus Stop Westbound to Portland will be:
Number 1 service to Portland
501 Jurassic Coaster Service to Portland Bill
We hope these long awaited joined up transportation links will benefit the local community and visitors to the town. For further information please see First Wessex timetable First Bus Wessex, Dorset & South Somerset
Closure of the station car park – please note that the decision to temporarily close the car park was made by South West Railways (SWR) due to limited spaces being available whilst the surrounding wall is being built. We are liaising with SWR and will send out updates once the car park is reopened. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Railway Heritage Park (Pocket Park)
The whole area is being transformed to provide an attractive open space and shared path. Rails recovered from the removal of tramway lines at the harbour, have been welded on top of existing rails to raise the ground height to finished level and to highlight the railway heritage in this area.
As well as providing access to the Jubilee Business Park, Radipole Park and beyond it will be a green space for wildlife and create its own special sense of place. The openness and attractiveness should encourage more usage as a transit route from the retail park to the station, town centre and the beach. We look forward to seeing the Railway Heritage Park completed over the next few weeks!

Weeks 27 & 28. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
Railway Heritage Park / Pocket Park
Wooden bollards have now been installed near the King St entrance and an information panel will be installed on 18-19 July, shortly before the whole area is resurfaced with light-coloured Natratex. The railway tracks have been laid, which will remain in view as part of the design. The history of the railway is very much a key part of the new information sign, including a life-size cut out figure you may recognise! Finally the drainage works are complete, and a new fence has been installed alongside B&Q, replacing chain link fencing that was in poor shape.
Works progressing on the Railway Heritage ParkStation Forecourt
The wall and railings surrounding the car park are now complete! We hope you like the new open style which aims to ensure car park users feel safer, in addition to improving the overall appearance. Final surfacing is complete in the car park and Natratex surfacing will be laid in the forecourt area on 20 July. In between the car park and the forecourt, a new bus shelter will be installed around mid-July, where the X53, X52 and 502 buses will stop.
New information signs with details of the history of the station and its impact on the town, will be a feature of the forecourt which will become a new public space that can be used for pop-up markets and events.
Finally an opening launch to celebrate improvements at the station and Pocket Park is currently in the planning stages – watch this space! The ceremony will be postponed in the event of a rail strike or poor weather.

Weeks 29 & 30. Weymouth Station Gateway Update
With just one week to go for the main construction phase to be complete, the following is due to take place at Pocket Park:
Pocket Park entrance on King StreetTree, shrub and flower planting is due to go in during the Autumn, in the meantime the bedding area will be mulched and temporary signage will be put in place to inform visitors what the new planting will look like.
The following is due to take place at the Station Forecourt:

An opening launch is now planned for September to avoid the busy Summer months. All those involved in the project, users of the station and local residents and businesses will be invited!
Railway Heritage Information Panels
New panels are not just planned for Pocket Park and the Station, they are also planned for the Loop (Cosens Quay) and the Quay, creating an information trail along the route of the old tramway that carried goods and passengers from Weymouth Station to the quay where they could connect with ferry services. The information panels are aimed to be an attractive and informative addition to the town.
Installation of the panels is due next week (week starting 18 July). We hope that you enjoy them.

Week 31. Weymouth Station Gateway Weekly Update
This week has been a busy week on site!

For Pocket Park this includes new Natratex surfacing, a new railway heritage information panel with cut out figure of a flagman. The flagman used to ‘walk the trains’ down to the Quay, helping to clear the route of pedestrians and cars. At times badly parked cars had to be lifted out the way, with passers by helping out! More information and photos can be found on the information panel trail from Weymouth Station to the Quay.
The original white metal railway gate has been put in place at either end of Pocket Park, which are due to be cleaned up and repainted over the next few weeks. Whilst the planting and new trees will go in during the Autumn.
New Natratex surfacing has also been laid in the Station Forecourt giving it a fresh and welcoming feel. Three new information panels have also been installed, including a Victorian travelling lady. She is not meant to be Mary Poppins, but we appreciate the striking resemblance!

The new bus shelter has been installed, along with a live bus timetable making it easier for local residents and visitors to link to the public transport network.
With new bollards to be placed around the forecourt, electric points, a base for a Christmas Tree and a new station café that looks over the forecourt, this space will be a great community event space for the future.
And finally…
As mentioned previously, there is some snagging work, therefore there will be times when the contractors are back on site over the next couple of months.
Please also look for information panels at the Loop and the Quay, by following the information trail along the route of the old tramway. Some of the signs are fenced off whilst finishing touches are made but can still be read and all fencing will be removed next week.
Local residents, local historians and Weymouth Museum have all contributed to the information, stories and photos within the panels. We would like to give a huge thanks to all those involved. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we have.