Avon Beach Promenade

Avon Beach promenade has undergone significant and important improvement works. Avon Beach, located at Mudeford, Christchurch is well regarded as a 'locals beach', somewhere to go for a day out during the season and a fresh stroll out of season.
In this project, which was delivered by Christchurch Borough Council and was completed in April 2018, raised the middle section of the promenade to the same level as that at the Avon Beach Car Park, providing better protection against winter storms. This included raising the beach to the same level, preserving the level access from promenade to sand. The promenade was also widened, allowing better access at busy times and a safer space for pedestrians in winter.
Project progress & completion
Planning permission to carry out the works was granted by Christchurch Borough Council Planning on the 19th October 2017. Work started at the beginning of January for the temporary removal of beach huts with the contractors starting on the 22nd January.
Some elements of this project were unavoidably delayed by the weather conditions - a whole week of below or near freezing temperatures during Storm Emma at the beginning of March meant contractors were forced to delay elements of the concrete works.
Renovation and improvement works on Avon Beach promenade were completed in mid April 2018, with this project being the first in the Dorset Coastal Connections portfolio to be fully completed.
Who paid for this project?
The project was costed at £461,000. Of this, £89,320 was met as part of the Dorset Coastal Connections portfolio project, which is funded by a £5.6 million grant from the Coastal Communities Fund. Dorset Coastal Connections is a suite of 18 projects across Dorset, which seek to improve access, digital connectivity and coastal resilience to climate change, helping to ensure a thriving coastal economy in Dorset. The remainder of the project cost was met by a combination of private contributions and funds from Christchurch Borough Council.
Community consultation was a key component in taking this project forward to the design concept phase in order to inform the design team of an appropriate scheme for the promenade improvements at Avon Beach. Dorset Coast Forum attended Friars Cliff Residents Association’s June 2017 meeting, and subsequently held three engagement events on the beach at Avon Beach. About 220 beach users on site were engaged through the three sessions, and asked specific questions around surfacing requirements and the ‘look and feel’ this should create; the need or desire for seating, including where this might best be placed; and whether lighting is appropriate, needed or desired, what for and what form it should take to suit the area’s character.