How do you spend your time at beaches across Dorset?

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This survey closed on Thursday 15th August.

If you indicated on the survey that you would like to be kept informed we will be in contact with an update on the survey responses.

Thank you for taking part in the survey and helping to shape future projects across Dorset’s coastline to reduce litter and improve bathing water quality.

Litter Free Dorset and Dorset Coast Forum are launching a survey to discover how and where people spend their beach days in Dorset. We want to know all about your top beach spots, favourite activities, and thoughts on litter and water cleanliness.

This survey closed on Thursday 15th August.

If you indicated on the survey that you would like to be kept informed we will be in contact with an update on the survey responses.

Thank you for taking part in the survey and helping to shape future projects across Dorset’s coastline to reduce litter and improve bathing water quality.

Litter Free Dorset and Dorset Coast Forum are launching a survey to discover how and where people spend their beach days in Dorset. We want to know all about your top beach spots, favourite activities, and thoughts on litter and water cleanliness.

Your input will help to inform future projects that could tackle issues such as beach access, facilities and water quality monitoring.

Beach engagement events

We will be popping up at various locations during the summer for beach engagement events. Come down to say hi, complete the survey and have a chat with us about your favourite beaches. See dates confirmed so far in the Events section on this page!

Why we want to know about how you use Dorset Beaches

The information collected from this survey will help us to develop future projects across Dorset’s coastline to reduce litter and improve bathing water quality. We want to know which beaches are used more often, what they are being used for and the current litter and water quality state. The results from this survey can help to inform future projects to improve accessibility, facilities and water quality monitoring, ensuring that bathing waters are safe, clean and enjoyable for everyone to us

So, whether you’re a leisurely stroller, dog walker, kitesurfer, sunbather or litter picker, your voice matters!

While existing platforms such as Swimfo and the Safer Seas and Rivers apps provide data on water quality, the information is usually 24 hours old, therefore there is a growing demand for more real-time water quality monitoring. By taking part in this survey, you are helping shape the future of water quality monitoring across the Dorset coastline.

Litter Free Dorset has previously collaborated with coastal communities to deliver projects which aim to reduce litter and enhance bathing water quality, such as promoting water refill points, installing cigarette butt bins and toy libraries, and empowering local artists to create inspirational street art in public spaces. Furthering understanding of how people spend their time on Dorset’s beaches will not only help with the development of future projects, but also identify where further water quality monitoring should be prioritised.

If you would like more information or to request a paper copy of the survey please get in touch

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for participating in this survey aimed at exploring how people spend their time at beaches across Dorset. Your insights will greatly contribute to our understanding of how people use these places and help inform future projects to enhance water quality.

    You can skip any questions you do not wish to answer.

    This survey closed on Thursday 15th August 2024.

    Share How do you spend your time at beaches across Dorset? on Facebook Share How do you spend your time at beaches across Dorset? on Twitter Share How do you spend your time at beaches across Dorset? on Linkedin Email How do you spend your time at beaches across Dorset? link
Page last updated: 29 Aug 2024, 11:04 AM