Lyme Regis Cobb Stabilisation Scheme

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Welcome to the homepage for the Cobb Stabilisation project, here you can see updates, find out about the project, and be informed on the consultation process.

The Cobb is a historic harbour that serves as both a protective breakwater and a safeguard against erosion and flooding along the Lyme Bay coastline. Recent structural investigations have shown that the harbour is suffering from destabilisation caused by wave impact and sea floor erosion. The goal of this scheme is to reinforce and repair the harbour walls, ensuring that it continues its vital function for the bay & the local community and that its important heritage is safeguarded.

Welcome to the homepage for the Cobb Stabilisation project, here you can see updates, find out about the project, and be informed on the consultation process.

The Cobb is a historic harbour that serves as both a protective breakwater and a safeguard against erosion and flooding along the Lyme Bay coastline. Recent structural investigations have shown that the harbour is suffering from destabilisation caused by wave impact and sea floor erosion. The goal of this scheme is to reinforce and repair the harbour walls, ensuring that it continues its vital function for the bay & the local community and that its important heritage is safeguarded.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey aims to find out how and when commercial and recreational users access the Cobb. This will provide valuable information for the project team to help find the least disruptive solution to undertaking essential stabilisation works to the Cobb.  

    The Cobb stabilisation scheme aims to reinforce and repair the Cobb, which due to seafloor erosion has seen a significant destabilisation of the structure. There is a risk that the functionality of the Cobb as a breakwater could end in as soon as 20-25 years if stabilisation works do not go ahead. The project aims to stabilise the Cobb to maintain its status as a breakwater, a coastal flood and erosion defence and a safe harbour for many different types of vessels and businesses.

    If you need help in accessing or understanding this survey please contact

    Copies of the survey will be available from the Harbour Masters Office, Lyme Regis Cobb.

    This survey will close 18th October 2023 at 5pm. 

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Page last updated: 18 Jun 2024, 03:49 PM