Have Your Say
During Stage 1, engagement events will be held to raise awareness and seek data to inform the project (Autumn 2023)
During Stage 3, engagement events will be held to present the baseline findings and seek any additional information that may influence these (Spring 2025)
At the start of Stage 4, option identification workshops with invited representatives will be held to discuss all the possible long list options and appraisal criteria to be used to assess them.
During Stage 5, engagement events will be held to present the long-list option appraisal and draft short list.
During Stage 7, engagement events will be held to present the draft findings of the detailed short list option appraisal and draft leading options. This will be a 3-month Statutory Consultation.
During Stage 8, engagement events will be held to raise awareness of the final approved Strategy and explain what happens next.
Have Your Say
Engagement Round 2 Spring 2025
Engagement Round 2 will present the findings of detailed analysis and assessments of the physical processes in the area, how they interact with built structures and how they may respond to climate change. We are seeking local knowledge and feedback on these assessments, as well as any additional information that may influence these findings.
Community Engagement March to April 2025
Dorset Coast Forum will be hosting two in-person drop-in events and an online presentation, where the baseline understanding and findings will be presented and members of the project team are available to answer questions.
The engagement event details are below:
In-person drop-in event: Wednesday 19th March, 2:30pm to 5:30pm at Portland Community Venue, Three Yards Close, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1JN.
In-person drop-in event: Tuesday 25th March, 2:30 to 7pm at Wyke Regis Working Men’s Club, 56 Portland Road, Weymouth, DT4 9AB.
Online event: Tuesday 1st April, 7 to 8pm Book your place HERE
Engagement Round 1 Autumn 2023
During Round 1 of engagement, local residents and stakeholders provided us with essential data/local knowledge of the area. Thank you to everyone who took part. The team are working on technical modelling work which will continue through 2024. A summary of engagement round 1 can be found here: https://www.dorsetcoasthaveyoursay.co.uk/25244/widgets/71366/documents/55670
Engagement Summary
During the project, we will be undertaking six rounds of engagement as follows:
Drop in- engagement event for the Stage 1 Engagement, Autumn 2023