Donate to Project
Donate to Project
Your donation can make a huge difference to seagrass restoration at Studland Bay.
With your help, we'll continue to restore this precious habitat and ensure people will be able to enjoy these waters for years to come. 10% of the ocean's total burial of carbon is captured by seagrass and Studland has the capacity to produce 10 tonnes of oxygen a day - that's enough for 10,000 people!
100% of the funds raised through your donation will be used directly towards marine conservation at Studland Bay:
£5 could help to maintain the eco-moorings
£10 could help restore the habitat of the Spiny Seahorse - Studland is its main breeding ground!
£25 could help to support our research and monitoring programme
Photo credit: The Seahorse Trust
The project is not for profit so all donations will be used to support our core aims. Partnership member the National Trust have set up a restricted fund so that 100% of all donations and mooring fees can be collated for the SBMP to provide a mooring alternative to anchoring in the VNAZ for boaters and ensure scientific monitoring of the MCZ continues supporting marine conservation on a local level. Click here to donate!
Corporate Partnerships
Do you work for or run a business that wants to give back to the marine world? The ambitious work of the partnership in the past few years has succeeded so far through the brilliant support of our core partners and through corporate donations. Join us on this journey for nature and find out how you can become a valued partner. Contact Project Officer Sara to find out why our values can compliment yours: