West Bay Shared Access
The West Bay Shared Access, together with further improvements to Bridport’s cycling network has been added to Dorset Council’s new interactive cycle map.
January 2020
The new bespoke cycle parking stands are now installed and located between Station Yard and West Bay Road car parks which is at the start/finish of the newly surfaced shared access path along the old rail line. Designed by Michael Pinsky the cycle parking stands are all different wavy shapes and sizes for different sizes of bikes. New sheltered cycle parking is also available behind the toilets in West Bay Road car park.
New cycle stands and cycle shelter parking
4th November 2019
The surface dressing has now been applied to the shared access between Burton Road and West Bay Road car park. Please be aware that the contractors have to leave an excess amount of gravel on the path for 2 weeks to enable the gravel to be worked into the surface by people using the path. After 2 weeks any excess gravel will be swept away. Advisory signs are being placed along the path to encourage users to slow down and be aware of the loose chippings during this 2 week bedding down period.
October 2019
- Contractors started to seal the surface of the bridleway and applied the stone chip surface dressing on the week commencing 7th October. They managed to get three-quarters of the work done before heavy rain prevented the work continuing. This surfacing dressing is expected to be completed by the end of October (weather permitting).
- Permanent gates will be installed either side of Meadowlands on completion of the surfacing.
- Soil will be put back either side of the bridleway and reseeded with a wild flower/grass mix that is best suited to this location.
- The new sheltered cycle parking area by the Station Road/West Bay Roads car parks will be completed by the end of November.
Completed surface dressing on a section of the path
July 2019
The temporary plastic barriers at Meadowlands will be replaced with permanent metal gates arranged in a chicane arrangement to stop cyclists/walkers going straight out into the road. These gates are due to be installed during the week ending 21st July.
Work is scheduled to start on the section between Meadowlands and West Bay Road Car Park on 11th July. This section will initially be tarmacked and left to oxidise over the summ
er before the additional tar and chip surface dressing is laid in early September. The surface dressing will seal the path making it last longer, provides additional friction/grip which slows cyclists down, makes cyclists more audible and it will resemble a gravel path when it’s finished.
A new cycle parking area by West Bay Road car park will have new bespoke artist designed cycle stands and sheltered cycle parking which is due to be installed in August/September.
New cycle parking area, tarmacked in preparation of surfacing dressing and new cycle stands, July 2019
May 2019
- The construction team have tarmacked the section between Burton Road and Meadowlands and will start work on the next section between Meadowlands and Station Road Car Park in July (before summer holidays). Once the tarmac has oxidised (approximately 3-4 weeks) the construction team will be adding the tar and chip surface dressing which seals the path and makes it last longer, provides additional grip and resembles a natural gravel path. Once this has been done, the soil will be replaced along the edges of the path and reseeded with a grass/wildflower mix.
- After listening to feedback from the public, the width of the access along the bridleway has been reduced from 3 metres to 2.5 metres. This matches the original surfaced path width and also allows the team to increase the amount of species rich grassland alongside it, which will lead to an increase in wildflowers in support of breeding and feeding butterflies and other insects.
- Bridleway W1/41 will be closed for up to 6 weeks from the 15th April to enable to resurfacing works to take place.
January 2019
- Vegetation clearance along the old railway line was carried out in January with resurfacing planned to be completed by the end of May. Resurfacing the Bridleway W1/41 Burton Road to Meadowlands will be carried out by Dorset County Council’s Highways and Greenspace Teams and will require 2 x 5-day Bridleway closures whist the works are taking place (these closure dates are to be confirmed)
- Dorset County Council Highway improvements along Burton Road are scheduled to start on the 18th February and will be completed by 10th May. Burton Road cycle path improvements are not part of the of Dorset Coastal Connections shared access project, but as the projects complement each each with both providing access from West Bay to Bridport, relevant updates from Dorset Council will be shown on this site.
- The cycle parking area by the public toilets in West Bay Road car park is due to be implemented in May-June 2019.
- Thank you for the enquiry received from a resident concerned about the glow worm population along this path. We are pleased that Dorset Council’s Natural Environment Team are on board with the works and as glow worms prefer to live in low level vegetation, we are confident that the maintenance works will actually enhance the natural glow worm population that live there.
November 2018 - Vegetation clearance is due to start in November along the Bridleway W1/41 from West Bay Road car park to Burton Road. This bridleway maintenance work is being carried out at this time to avoid the bird nesting season and Dorset County Council Greenspace Rangers are working with county ecologists to enhance biodiversity where path improvement maintenance works are taking place.
Community Consultation
The community consultation was well attended in July 2018 with lots of comments from West Bay residents, visitors, local businesses, thank you to those who provided a comment. All the feedback has now been collated and reviewed by the project team, and is helping to shape the development of the shared access design.
The full consultation report can be viewed here and the project team's responses to key concerns raised during the consultation can be viewed here.
What are the planned improvements for the West Bay Shared Access?
Here is the detailed design of the shared access improvements from Burton Road to Meadowlands improvements - this shows the access improvements along old railway line/Bridleway W1/41 Meadowlands leading up to Burton Road.
Proposed cycle parking at the end/start of the access by the West Bay Road play area has been designed by Michael Pinsky to be visually pleasing with or without bicycles. The cycle stands follow the curve of the existing sleepers and undulates in and out and up and down forming a wave. The variety of stands will allow for all types and sizes of bicycles to be locked safely, from small children’s bikes to adult tandems. A roof will be extended from an existing building to allow covered parking during inclement weather.
Design by Michael Pinsky
The area between the car park and the cycle path end will be clearly delineated with stones, creating a more generous space for picnicking and resting.
Design by Michael Pinsky
Designs by Michael Pinsky
As a separate project, Dorset Council will also improve the cycle access along Burton Road (close to the Crown roundabout). Even though this is a separately funded project, improvements along Burton Road complement and will enhance the cycle access project improvements. Here is the detailed design for the Burton Road improvements .
Cycleway road speed restrictions - this map shows the traffic-calming speed restrictions proposed for the cycle path around the crown roundabout and Burton Road.
Project Background
The West Bay Shared Access project will enhance the existing bridleway between West Bay and Bothenhampton (up to but not including Burton Road) by widening, resurfacing and providing a safe, traffic-free route between West Bay and Bridport's existing walking and cycling network.
The project team plan to enhance the area where the route starts/ends by providing cyclists and walkers arriving in West Bay an attractive welcome area with plenty of cycle parking. The route starts/ends at the back of the Station Yard car park, runs along the side the West Bay Road car park up to Burton Road in Bothenhampton.
The improved access will enable walkers, cyclists and people with mobility scooters and push chairs to gain access to both Bridport and West Bay for employment, shopping, social, leisure and cultural activities.
Improvements will include widening and resurfacing the existing bridleway for shared use. Vegetation clearance is required to ensure the path is wide enough for shared use and will allow more wild flowers to establish.
This route will become part of a wider walking and cycling network known as the West Dorset Trailway, which will eventually connect to Maiden Newton.
Following the initial community consultation events held in July & August 2017 the shared access project has been positively received by the community. Both residents and visitors to West Bay highlighted a strong view to have this route improved and widened for shared use.
International artist Michael Pinsky was appointed in November 2017 to help shape the improvements for the West Bay Cycle Access. To ensure that all current projects taking place in West Bay work well together and create a more cohesive feel to West Bay, Michael will also be the artist working on the East Beach Access, the West Bay Welcome Hub and enhancements to West Beach promenade.
Improving the access at West bay was part of the ‘Coastal Connections - people and places’ bid to the Coastal Communities Fund, and will receive £267,000 towards its costs from this successful bid, granted in April 2017.