Project Updates
The development of the Outline Business Case is making steady progress. Modelling works will continue over the coming months, focusing on coastal defences, surface water drainage and beach recession.
A detailed surface water investigation is underway after additional funding was secured through the Environment Agency (Local Levy). Options are being developed as engineering investigations continue.
Round 2 Engagement
To continue work to deliver improved protection against flooding and coastal erosion in Weymouth the project team are putting together a shortlist of potential flood and coastal erosion defence options. To develop these options, we need to understand better how these options and emerging designs for the Esplanade and Harbour may impact residents and businesses in Weymouth.
Thank you for your contributions towards this round 2 engagement. This survey closed on 24th July 2023 - the team are reviewing the responses to help develop the shortlist of potential flood and coastal erosion defence options.
A summary of engagement round 2 can be seen here: https://www.dorsetcoasthaveyoursay.co.uk/19152/widgets/54984/documents/55669